How To Communicate With Employers
Communicate the right way with employers. Poor communication can reduce your chances of getting hired.

Here are some tips on how to communicate with employers
1. Reply fast

  • Employers like to move fast to get business results. If you don't reply to an employer quickly, they will move their interest to another candidate.

2. Check your spelling

  • Spelling errors tell employers you are not serious and you don't pay attention to details. Always check your spelling before you hit send.

3. Make sure you get the recruiter's name and the company's name right

  • There is nothing more damaging to your application than saying the wrong company and recruiter name. This shows that you are not serious about the job application.

4. Be professional

  • The employer is not your friend. Avoid shortcut language such as "BRB, TTYL, and LOL" in your communication with the employer.

5. Reply during office hours or when they message you

  • To get the best results, It is best to message the employer during office hours. This is because the employer's attention is higher during that time slot.

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